About Us
The Founder
The founder of Liberated Enterprise Creators is Balaji Pasumarthy.
A graduate from top institutes in India, IIT- Madras and IIM-Bangalore, Balaji has been an entrepreneur most of his career. His motivation to become an entrepreneur was the fact that he felt trapped and unmotivated in his first job and believed that there must be a better way to run organisations. His 23+ years journey as an entrepreneur has been a quest to create teams which are Liberated.
He is the owner of Golden Square Offices which has 6 Branches in Bangalore and his team of 45 supports 450+ companies with 800+ people using Golden Square’s business centres and co-working spaces. He is also the Executive Director of BNI - Bangalore, a business network. BNI Bangalore has a team of 120 business leader volunteers who self organise, support and launch chapters of the network. BNI- Bangalore has 2300+ members and 59 Chapters.

Journey of Creating a Practical and Proven Way:
Entrepreneurs who were curious about how Balaji managed his team and his business started to cajole him to share his secrets with them in 2016.
He started sharing his approach and purely due to word of mouth more people wanted to learn from him. These simple to apply tools and techniques produced results, word of mouth spread and coaches and organisation development consultants got interested in taking these practices to enterprises.
That is when Liberated Enterprise Creators LLP was setup to give a formal structure to Liberate More Enterprises. Till date more than 200 entrepreneurs and business leaders have participated in LEC programs and there are several case studies of organisations which have become Liberated as a result.
Intent- Creating Liberated Enterprises:
The Practices and Concepts that LEC practitioners bring are not unique to LEC. There are similar approaches being practiced around the world. “Teal organisations” is the word that is being used to describe these organisations.
What LEC has done is put these practices in a practical and implementable form. LEC believes that in three decades most organisations in the world will be TEAL. LECs role is to enable this transition to happen much quicker for leaders who want to be pioneers in creating Liberated Enterprises.