Leap Program Annual Subscription
Creating a Liberated Enterprise is more than just a workshop...
It's a journey.
It's a journey made smoother with the right tools,
the experience of others and advice from peers.
Peers who are business leaders and travelling the same journey.
The annual Subscription of the LEAP Program provides you the following:-​
1. Join a LEAG
A LEAG or Liberated Enterprise Advisory Group, is a collective of business leaders who are in the process of implementing LEC Practices.
It is the best way to support and guide each other, through shared experience and clarity.

2. Form your Own Leag
No single person has all the answers, but as a group, the answer will arise.
Form a LEAG with like minded individuals of various backgrounds but similar journeys. Find solutions to challenges that arise while creating your liberated enterprise.
3. Access to Experts and Mentors
Access to Experts/Mentors to guide you on how best to use the program and lead you to the best resources.

4. Free Workshops
Attend all the Workshops offered in LEAP and pay just the venue charges and incidentals.
This includes Mindsets, Methods, Manifestations and Chargers.
5. Exclusive Leapian Workshops
Access to Workshops and Events solely organised for LEAPians (Those who have taken this subscription)

6. Mentor Others
Share and Document your own experiences in the Liberated Enterprise Journey and mentor others.
This helps you hone your own knowledge and develop expertise on the various tools available in the program.
The Annual Subscription is Rs. 30,000/- or Rs. 2,500/- per month.
This amount needs to be paid upfront.
There is also an EMI option available from various bank credit cards.
These options are available in the payment link below.
In anticipation of you joining the program,
We wish you all the success in creating a Liberated Enterprise!!